Matrix correction using TFlowFuzzy
1. On the toolbar, click the Open 'Procedure sequence' window button.
The Procedure sequence window opens.
2. To the procedure sequence, at the position of your choice, add the Demand matrix correction procedure of the Matrices category (Setting up and starting the procedure sequence).
3. In the row of the added procedure, click the button in the Reference object(s) column.
The Select Demand segments window opens.
4. In the Select mode selection list, select the mode of the demand segments whose matrices you would like to correct.
5. In the Demand segments selection list, select the demand segments whose matrices you would like to correct.
Tip: To mark multiple demand segments, press the Ctrl key and keep it pressed while clicking the desired entries one by one. |
Note: Since demand matrices in Visum are separate objects that can be assigned to several demand segments, the changes to a matrix affect all demand segments that are linked to the matrix after demand segment selection (Connecting demand matrices and demand segments). |
6. Confirm with OK.
The demand segments selected are adopted in the Reference object(s) column.
7. In the row of the added procedure, click in the Variant/file column and select the entry TFlowFuzzy in the selection list.
8. Make sure the added procedure is highlighted. Then, in the Operations section, click the Edit button.
The Correction of demand matrix (TFlowFuzzy) window opens.
9. Set the desired parameters (TFlowFuzzy parameters).
Tip: Alternatively, you may read matrix correction settings from file for TFlowFuzzy (Reading old TFlowFuzzy settings from file). |
10. Confirm with OK.
11. Execute the procedure (Executing procedures in the procedure sequence).
Matrix correction is executed.
Note: If the matrix correction is canceled due to invalid count data, Visum writes the invalid count data to the log file. |
Note: In the directory C:\Users\Public\Documents\PTV Vision\PTV Visum 2023/Examples, you can find examples of use on this topic. The example Matrix TflowF Counts shows a matrix estimation based on link count data and the possibility to diagnose errors. The example Matrix TflowF Distribution shows the use of an empirical trip length distribution for the matrix estimation. The creation of matrix histograms is also described. |
Note: You can speed up the calculation of the procedure by providing multiple processor cores for the calculation. The calculation of the flow matrix is then performed in parallel on multiple processor cores (Specifying the number of processor cores to be used). |